سیستم هوایی کنترل از راه دور
We are utilising new drone technology, otherwise known as Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), for investigations.
We are aiming to enhance current accident investigation techniques by flying a range of drones (also called Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems or RPAS) with a wide array of sensors.
The project challenged the teams to identify best practices over the course of the project in 5 areas including: integration of RPAS in Standard Operating Procedure, training of teams of the use of RPAS, hardware needs and maintenance, logistics, and external framework for RPAS use. ?
Recommendations include having a minimum of two people using the RPAS, with one person controlling the unit and one person searching the video and when considering hardware making sure the platforms are reliable and have redundant systems.
"The project has been a real window into how RPAS are being used and may be used during emergency responses," said Tony O'Brien, EENA.
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